Final Mather Memo of the Year! Check for information on locker clean out, chromebook return, summer food distribution plan, credit recovery, and how to purchase a yearbook!
9-11th Grade Locker Clean-Out Procedure Hey Rangers!Please read the following letter for the procedures to clean out your lockers and return items (including Chromebooks) starting next week on Monday.
Freshman Connection - Class of 2024 Freshman Connection starts on August 4th - make sure you are signed up!
Virtual Main Office We are here to support families and students during this uncertain time!If you have questions and need support please reach out to us by email at [email protected] or through our new Virtual Main Office Hours.
Welcome to Mather Class of 2024! Congratulations to the Class of 2024! We are VERY excited for you to join the Ranger family! Check out our video and select "ACCEPT!" today!
Mather High School Remote Learning Plan Beginning Monday, April 13th, all CPS schools will begin more structured Remote Learning, attached please find the guidance on accessing the Mather Remote Learning Plan.
Virtual Mather Ethnic Fest 2020 Please join us for Virtual Ethnic Fest! There will be three days of events, click here for the links to the livestream.
Saturday School Resumes on Saturday, April 18, 2020 Students who attend Saturday school will begin virtual learning this weekend. Students should be checking google classroom for updates.