11th Grade PSAT (In-Person)

11th Grade PSAT (In-Person)

PSAT - 11th grade - Class of 2022

CPS will offer our 11th-grade students the opportunity to take the PSAT/NMSQT exam in person at our school on January 26th. Your child’s score on the PSAT/NMSQT will determine if he or she is eligible to participate in programs administered by the National Merit Scholarship Program, which include recognition and scholarship opportunities. If your child chooses not to participate in PSAT/NMSQT testing on January 26th, he or she will have a normal day of remote learning instruction.

To ensure the health and safety of our students and staff during in-person testing, we will implement the following protocols at our school:
  • We will fully sanitize all rooms, before and after testing, in line with the district’s enhanced cleaning procedures.
  • Students and staff members will be required to pass an online health screener and temperature check prior to entering the building.
  • Everyone who enters our school will be required to clean their hands either by washing with soap and water or by using hand sanitizer.
  • All students and staff will be required to wear a cloth face covering while inside the building, including during the test and during testing breaks.
  • Students will be seated six feet apart with no more than 25 percent of the room’s capacity being utilized and no more than 50 people per room.
  • Masks can be removed for eating and drinking, and strict social distancing will be required when masks are removed.
  • During testing breaks, students will remain in their testing room and maintain strict social distancing.
  • We will implement procedures for restroom breaks that maintain the requirements to socially distance, wear cloth face coverings and clean hands.
  • We will establish and communicate clear arrival and dismissal procedures, taking advantage of the College Board’s flexible, staggered start time policy.

We are glad to be able to provide your child with an opportunity to begin planning for their future. Feel free to reach out to Assistant Principal Altstiel at [email protected] with any questions.

Students who have registered for the test will receive an email from Mrs. Altstiel the week before the exam.

All students should begin preparing for the PSAT and SAT by signing up for and practicing on Khan Academy.

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