SY24 - RS2 Spanish I - Balanzategui Aguilar - 007-210 Assignments

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Semester 1 Final Project in Google Classroom

Semester 1 Final Project

Create a PowerPoint touristic brochure of a Spanish speaking  country.
Be creative!!!  You must include: 

1.Name of the country  Ex. Puerto Rico
2.Welcome Phrase: Ex. Bienvenidos a La Isla del Encanto
3.Name and  description of the city   (5 bullet points)
Ex. Hay casas coloridas en la ciudad.  
4.Name of the city and description of touristic activities (5)
Ex.  Actividades:   Caminar al perro….
5.Description  of  a typical  meal  Ex. Arroz con gandules (5)
6. Weather: Clima: Ex. El clima es muy bueno  (5)
7.Information, address and phone number of travel agency

Thank you,
Mrs. Aguilar
Spanish Teacher