5th Period - Health-Semester 1 SY21 Gutierrez Assignments

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Midterm in Google Classroom


You may use your notes for this midterm.


Cornell Notes 3.2 in Google Classroom

Cornell Notes 3.2

Copy the notes exactly as they are into your notebooks.


Cornell Notes 4.1 in Google Classroom

Cornell Notes 4.1

Copy the notes exactly as they into your notebooks.


Food Label in Google Classroom

Food Label


Cornell 16.1 in Google Classroom

Cornell 16.1


Cornell Notes 15.1 in Google Classroom

Cornell Notes 15.1


Cornell Notes 1.2 in Google Classroom

Cornell Notes 1.2

Copy these notes into your notebooks exactly as they are. Make sure you copy the lines as they are.


Cornell Notes 1.1 in Google Classroom

Cornell Notes 1.1

Copy these notes exactly as they are into your notebooks. Make sure your draw the lines as you see them.


Cornell Notes 1.3 in Google Classroom

Cornell Notes 1.3

Copy these notes into your notebooks exactly as they are. Make sure to draw the lines as they appear.


Cornell Notes 1.5 in Google Classroom

Cornell Notes 1.5

Copy these notes into your notebooks exactly as they are. Make sure to draw the lines as they appear.


Our Class in Google Classroom

Our Class

Find your slide and add your image and details. Use mine as a guideline. Be creative though, it does not have to be exactly as mine. PLEASE DO NOT ALTER ANY OTHER SLIDE. Edit your own slide ONLY.